Jason Collett: Here's to Being Here (Shock)

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Jason Collett: Through the Night These Days
Jason Collett: Here's to Being Here (Shock)

This Canadian singer-songwriter's previous album Idols of Exile was one of the Best of Elsewhere 2006 so this one was always going to come to the top of the pack.

As a former member of Elsewhere favourites Broken Social Scene alongside Feist he is also worthy of attention, and although this album doesn't quite have same frisson of surprise as his previous one, his blend of early Dylan vocal languor (almost a sneer when he drags out the vowels) married to some big pop or alt.rock elements make for a very attractive proposition again.

Collett's chief strength (aside from concise lyrics and a feel for a pop melody) is his ballad voice and he can effortlessly push a lyric from behind which means he rises above the guitar orchestration (this is his guitar album apparently, it sounds it when the solos kick in) or the backdrop of the band on hand.

On the strength of Idols of Exile and this very different outing, Collett also isn't going to be one to stick with a formula and the percussion-driven Charlyn, the beautiful Nilsson-like No Redemption Song and the dramatic Somehow stand at some distance from his previous work.

He has a gift for writing great, swelling songs that radio should play but won't -- and I guess that means he might, unfortunately, remain the private passion of those who've had the good fortune to hear him.



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Your Comments

Jake - Dec 17, 2008

I'm with you on this one Graham. Another album of quiet anthems from an overlooked songwriter.

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