THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT (2025): The rise and return of Nothing At All!

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THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT (2025): The rise and return of Nothing At All!

In those ancient days before the internet made self-promotion easy and lazy, artists had to create their own audience through live shows.

Anticipating the emergence of garageband rock'n'roll bands like the Datsuns, Hellacopters, Von Bondies, Detroit Cobras, Guitar Wolf and others, the Nothing At All! trio out of Auckland's North Shore took their punk-fuelled rock'n'roll to audience through incessant live work.

In the early Nineties much of it was unglamorous, just small venues on the Shore, but the audience for their unchained, rowdy and enormously energetic sound grew steadily.

hero_thumb_naa3The trio of bassist Dion Palmer (now Dion Lunadon), guitarist/singer Tony Brockwell and drummer Paul Foster very quickly became a word-of-mouth phenomenon and wider touring – Auckland city dates first, a national tour at “select” venues – saw them clock up dozens, then scores and finally hundreds of gigs as headliners or a support act.

They played tiny rooms and at a Big Day Out.

They recorded – the Busted EP and self-titled album – and became legendary in the musical landscape for shows that were often as gymnastic as they were intense.

This was take-no-prisoners rock'n'roll and the band looked like they were having the time of their lives. It was infectious.

And then, after five years, they called it a day in 1997.

The following year Brockwell died after a struggle with cancer.

Lunadon took his irrepressible energy into a new band, The D4, which carried the banner of dirty-arse rock'n'roll to even greater heights and acclaim.

But the survivors of Nothing At All! (with various guests from Rock and Roll Machine) are playing again at Whammy on Auckland's K Rd (see below).

It will be a long night of rock'n'roll with Japan's always popular, hilarious and exciting Guitar Wolf sharing the bill with The D4, Transistors and young r'n'r acolytes Crying Ivy opening.

A big night, a loud night.

As Guitar Wolf says, “lock and loll!”


GUITAR WOLF versus The D4 !!! 

with the Transistors from Rangiora .... 

Nothing At All! floor show with Dion, Paul , Matt , Karin and guest vocals 

Crying Ivy from Western Springs College 

and DJs 

Whammy K Road 

Sunday 16th March 2025 

5pm doors open – 5.30pm first band (Crying Ivy) on stage and roaring 


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