Graham Reid | | 1 min read

When singer-songwriter Kate Owen released her album Not a Proper Girl back in March, Elsewhere was impressed and noted that she needed to be seen in concert to be fully appreciated.
Of course then the world changed and most people were forced to stay at home.
During lockdown while many did Zoom concerts (with varying degrees of success), Owen made a sries of short films about the songs on her album which interwove her talking to camera about her themes and lyrics, clever use of stock footage, stills and slivers of clips.
It is a very classy way to re-present an album which, by unhappy circumstance rather than any lack of quality, probably went past far too many people.
So at Elsewhere we are pleased to be able to give her project a bit of nudge and offer the trailers for the first four songs.
'Behind The Songs' short films are designed to be watched over four days as four themes; Daughter, Lover, Mother and Nature. The trailers are below and viewers can sign up to watch the full episodes at
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