Graham Reid | | <1 min read

As original as they were, the Beatles – especially in their early days – drank from some very deep wells of rock'n'roll, country and black American soul.
As we noted in What the Beatles Knew By '62, they had an enormous repertoire of covers in their armory, so when they came to write originals they knew how songs worked and could mix'n'match styles to create something of their own.
Throughout their career however they would often -- Lennon in particular -- revert to these templates, as when Lennon lifted the riff from Pee We Crayton's Do Unto Others for Revolution and they took from Bobby Parker's Watch Your Step the hook for I Feel Fine.
Here are two Spotify playlists which are by no means complete but just give a hint of their rock'n'roll and r'n'b soul roots.
The Beatles: Deep rock'n'roll Cuts is here.
The Beatles: Deep rock'n'soul Cuts is here.
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