I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE, MAN (2021): The song for all people and places

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I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE, MAN (2021): The song for all people and places

It's a well-known fact -- as concertgoers will acknowledge -- that If you have a lyric which mentions a place the audience there will applaud like chimps on speed when you sing it . . . or (better?) you can change the place name to wherever you are and the audience will applaud like gorillas on P!

Less cynically and more usefully . . . place names are easy rhymes.

Here's a classic Australian song from 1962 written by country singer Geoff Mack 

and here's the US version. . .

and of course . . . there's a New Zealand version

a somewhat lame Canadian version


and of course there's this very funny Indian version . . .


and an international version

Better still just write one for yourself, it isn't that hard given how many place names rhyme.

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