Elsewhere Art . . . Vini Reilly of Durutti Column

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Elsewhere Art . . . Vini Reilly of Durutti Column

A few years ago I spent a lot of time listening through to new material and especially reissues by Durutti Column, the UK band lead by singer-guitarist Vini Reilly.

I'd heard some of their late Seventies/early Eighties albums at the time but a reissue of them prompted me to go back again.

Then not long after, by sheer chance, another Durutti Column album came to hand at random for The Album Considered pages. It reminded me of why I had created this odd-looking collage for that reissue.

I remember very clearly listening to those reissues and thinking of Reilly as very much like Tom Verlaine, their long spindly fingers moving across the fretboards like spiders' legs. Reilly was also like some strange shapeshifter across the DC and solo albums: always the same man but approaching his art from different tangents.

He seemed a complex series of multiple manifestations so I presented him in the collage as the same face but each one emerging from the previous.

And of course there were spider webs.

Made sense at the time anyway. 


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