Elsewhere Art . . . Courtney Pine

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Elsewhere Art . . . Courtney Pine

As mentioned previously, some of the collages appearing here were for the magazine Real Groove which was mostly read by people into pop, rock, hip-hop and alt.country etc.

I wrote about jazz (and elsewhere)! Always a hard sell.

For the life of me I can't remember why Bob Marley should have been here but Pine said he was influenced by reggae (and recorded a reggae album just to "get it out of the way"), so doubtless looking for an image which would hook in the casual page turnerin search of the reggae or rock pages, having Bob there could do the trick.

Again the text picks out Pine's more contemporary influences and collaborators, just to get past the "jazz" hurdle.

Does this work? I don't know. But I've no doubt it didn't help sell a single copy of whatever album I was writing about.

There is an interview with Courtney Pine at Elsewhere here.


For other Art by Elsewhere go here.

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