Elsewhere Art . . . Ray Cathode

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Elsewhere Art . . . Ray Cathode

Most people looking at this simple collage would see immediately that it isn't someone called Ray Cathode but in fact is famed Beatles' (and others) producer George Martin.

But before the Beatles and fame came calling he was a jobbing producer doing comedy albums and also having a bit of fun himself, as in this instance when he recorded an electronic-cum-jazz-cum-MOR single as Ray Cathode.

Get it?

This is a pretty obscure music but the pieces -- Time Beat and Waltz in Orbit -- can be found on Spotify under Ray Cathode here.

So I decided to resurrect Ray Cathode in one of the WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT pages (here) and let the world discover Waltz in Orbit again.

And of course it needed art to illustrate it, and so . . . this piece which I set against the clock. I gave myself 1m 53s to make it once I had located the relevant parts.

That was the playing time of Waltz in Orbit.

So it is simple, just George and the cosmos which he was tentatively stepping towards, albeit keeping his feet firmly in a ballroom. 

There is of course a fair bit about George Martin at Elsewhere including a solo album of his and an interview (although I didn't get the chance to quiz him on the whereabouts of Ray Cathode).


For other art by Elsewhere go here

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