Elsewhere Art . . . John Scofield, again

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Elsewhere Art . . . John Scofield, again

Unfortunately this collage to illustrate a review of the great guitarist John Scofield's album Piety Street isn't as sharp in the scan as it is in front of me now.

The idea was certainly to have Sco, as he is known, a more muted and bleached out figure behind the more important aspects (the crucified Christ and Sco's guitar) as well as setting the whole thing against a map of the French Quarter in New Orleans.

It looked pretty good when it was published in Real Groove magazine but my home scanner is a cheap old thing so . . .

The article about Piety Street is here at Elsewhere and we say "again" in the title here because we have another and better collage illustrating an interview with him here (as well as a few other album reviews etc starting here).


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