Elsewhere Art . . . Frank Zappa #2

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Elsewhere Art . . . Frank Zappa #2

To be honest, I'm not sure if this collage was ever used.

I have no record of it appearing on any article and maybe I just did it because . . . I could?

I know when I did it I was thinking of the idea of iconic images but also the one I had seen of Wild Man Fischer, a kind of damaged street person whom Frank Zappa recorded for his Bizarre label.

I have written about the rather sad Wild Man here.

93729715_25ef37b8f7_bAnd just for some perspective this was the Fischer image I remember seeing many years before, which I used with that article. 

My Zappa image turned up recently when my office was flooded and we had to move acres of everything -- records, CDs, DVDs, artwork, books and more -- out of the house and into a lockup.

The Mona Zappa was framed but way at the back of a cupboard.

So if it looks a bit worse for wear and flood damage, that's because it is.

It ended up in the skip a few minutes after I took this photo.

No one's loss I think. 


There is an earlier, and I think better, Frank Zappa collage at Elsewhere here.

For other Art by Elsewhere go here

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