Elsewhere Art . . . The ACT label artists

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Elsewhere Art . . . The ACT label artists

In 2010 I received a small package of CDs from the ACT label out of Germany, and their Signature Edition albums all came in generic cover art by Carl-Hendrik Wigren.

What appealed to me wasn't just that I liked the "collect the series" aspect of albums in similarly designed covers, but that there was a bit of wit and lack of seriousness about them.

Jazz is serious enough -- witness the ECM covers which I mentioned in my overview of the ACT releases -- but here were images which were just kinda fun.

And they were linked to each other as bold cartoon-like caricatures.

I immediately thought of how you got stamps with perforated edges to tear off, they were all individual but also physically linked.

Hence this collage where I used the words from a promo sheet to discreetly replicate the idea of perforation around the images of the artists.

Did it work? Actually, I think it did and I was pleased then -- and now -- by the result.

Did anyone get it?

I doubt it! 

The article this collage illustrated is here.

For other Art by Elsewhere go here.  

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