Elsewhere Art . . . an academic opines

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Elsewhere Art . . . an academic opines

This was among a number of experimental pieces I made using plastic-coated paper through the photocopier, I liked the effect of the dappling coagulation where the ink didn't penetrate the sheet.

I was just fooling around but then it occurred to me that if you presented this to some earnest academic who was looking at the world through the lenses of Barthes or some other French philosopher they might read it very differently.

And so I wrote a parody of such an academic who was so full of theory and searching for meaning -- and disconnected from popular culture and knowledge -- that they could completely misinterpret it. In high-falutin language.

For the article -- which went straight into Absurd Elsewhere which is reserved for such private amusements -- I actually used a different image, one of the Beatles walking back across Abbey Road.

Because that amused me too.

The article is here and it is loaded with in-jokes, broad satire and parody.


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