Elsewhere Art . . . Tomasz Stanko

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Elsewhere Art . . . Tomasz Stanko

The great jazz trumpeter Tomasz Stanko from Poland died in 2018 but I always had the impression he wasn't widely known in New Zealand.

Yet his albums on ECM were certainly available, albeit in very limited quantities.

This art was done quite some time ago when I thought his work needed to be discovered, especially an album like Lontano (2006).

Years as a journalist taught me that sometimes you can be too subtle for the readership and so when it came to doing something about Stanko, whose music I loved, I thought let's not understate this. Let's get the message right there like a headline.

Hence "DISCOVER" and a bunch of words about him.

Not subtle. 

(And this is a rather poor reproduction of the quite large but lost original where the words were clear) 

There is an Elsewhere interview with Stanko along with a consideration of his albums at Elsewhere starting here

For other Art by Elsewhere go here

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