THE BARGAIN BUY: Various Artists; 100 Hits, Garage and Bassline

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So Solid Crew: 21 Seconds
THE BARGAIN BUY: Various Artists; 100 Hits, Garage and Bassline

Those who know their garage and bassline better than Elsewhere -- and there will many, many in that category -- will doubtless pull this collection apart for its omissions.

But frankly 100 tracks across five CDs seems pretty substantial in its own right and there are certanly some name players here: So Solid Crew, Wideboy, Biblotek, DJ Luck and MC Neat, Bob Sinclar, Midnight Circus, some remixes by Proton, Delinnquent, MJ Cole and others . . .

So here's the collection to either throw on at a party or use to start exploring some of the names and sounds here.

JB_HZ_CHEAP_longAnd at just $30 -- from JB Hi-FI stores here -- for this much music and beats, that makes this our Bargain Buy which says "throw your hands in the air like you just don't care".

At that price you probably don't. 

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