THE BARGAIN BUY: The Who; Quadrophenia, Deluxe Edition

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Pete Townshend: Love Reign O'er Me (demo)
THE BARGAIN BUY: The Who; Quadrophenia, Deluxe Edition

Some argue -- its creator Pete Townshend among them -- for the superiority of the Who's Quadrophenia over its predecessor Tommy.

Certainly it has a more coherent and grounded narrative, but  -- and here's an unfasionable thing to consider -- Tommy had the hits.

Because it is such a quintessentially British story, it didn't travel quite as well as Tommy either. And perhaps its historical setting -- the world of young Mods in the early Sixties -- also had something to do with that too.

But there's no denying Quadrophenia as an impressive piece of work, and there are some outstanding songs on it, notably 5.15, The Real Me and Love Reign O'er Me.

Townshend has always been keen to allow fans an insight into his working method and years before we had CD reissues with extra tracks he was issueing his series of Scoop album (double vinyl) which had his home recordings.

JB_HZ_CHEAP_longThis expanded reissue of Quadrophenia comes with his demos and they are impressive, even when he sings those vocally challenging parts which Roger Daltry would do in the Who.

And at just $10 at JB Hi-Fi stores here, that makes this a highly recommended addition to your collection.

Just $10? "I call that a bargain, the best I ever had". 

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Graham Dunster - Oct 21, 2013

That is amazingly cheap. I'm guessing this is the rump version of the 6 disc box from 2011 (which strangely didn't include the album on vinyl). This and Who Sell Out encapsulate them really well. Caught part of the latest BBC doco on Quadrophenia the other night on Prime and would love to see it in its entirety, sadly not featured On Demand for Prime.

Relic - Oct 22, 2013

Slightly overlong but still a great listen, bought on release–“my fried egg makes me sick in the morning”, seedy UK backdrop as per Hitchcocks nasty “Frenzy”. B/W sleeve graphic design etc.
Nice to see Bettye LaVette do “Love Reign O’er me” at one of those US presidential awards thingies and the ‘Who Two’ get rather emotional.

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