THE BARGAIN BUY: Pink Floyd; Pulse (DVD set)

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THE BARGAIN BUY: Pink Floyd; Pulse (DVD set)

With Pink Floyd in the news again (or at least the remaining two) for the farewell album The Endless River here's an interesting flashback (to when they were three).

Here across two discs is them filmed live at Earls Court, London in 1994 with additional features (video clips, interviews etc) and a variety of audio set-up options.

This was when they were visually impressive with lighting, and projections of images by Storm Thorgeson and others.

The content is pretty much what most Floyd fans wanted too, a selection from various albums, and Dark Side of the Moon performed in its entirety with encoures of Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell.

It is of course beautifully shot (by David Mallet) and recorded.

Those coming new to Pink Floyd might be somewhat bewildered by The Endless River so this is a decent starting point because it captures them at quite a peak and, even though Roger Waters was no longer in the band, they perform songs he wrote, among them Another Brick in the Wall.

JB_logoAnd at just $17 from JB HiFi stores here it is certainly a bargain.  

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