THE BARGAIN BUY: Bob Dylan; Studs Terkel's Wax Museum

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Bob Dylan : Bob Dylan's Dream
THE BARGAIN BUY: Bob Dylan; Studs Terkel's Wax Museum

There are an interesting number of radio and live broadcasts of the young Bob Dylan becoming available these days (like thisthis and this), presumably because the songs are out of copyright . . . or that in an era drowing in illegal releases the owners of the tapes figure they might just as well go for it too.

This hour-long radio session recorded in April '63 finds the young Dylan being interviewed by the famous, 50-year old Studs Terkel on his Chicago radio show when he was in town for a club show. He'd just finished recording The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan.

Dylan was in his myth-making mode (he says he saw Woody Guthrie when he was 10, says he'd lived around before going to New York) and somewhat reluctant to sing A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall -- although is cajoled into performing it by Terkel (who had a pre-release copy of the album with the song on it, which Dylan prefers being played).

The songs here performed live in the studio are Farewell, Hard Rain (which he denies is about atomic rain, more apocalyptic), Bob Dylan's Dream, Boots of Spansh Leather, John Brown, Who Killed Davey Moore and Blowin' in the Wind . . . but of as much interest are the lengthy conversations with Terkel (one 12 minutes long, others around five).

And they are conversations rather than just a Q&A session, interpolated with songs.

JB_logoFor those who prefer Dylan from this folk period, this is quite a little treasure as it captures him with his guard going up and down as Terkel draws him out.

And at just $10 from JB HiFi stores here, a welcome addition at little cost for Dylanologists. 

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