THE BARGAIN BUY: JJ Cale: The Very Best of JJ Cale

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THE BARGAIN BUY: JJ Cale: The Very Best of JJ Cale

Detailed though it was about many aspects of Eric Clapton's personal life and musical influences, the recent doco A Life in 12 Bars did have some key omissions, not the least the influence of reggae and JJ Cale on him.

Cale, who died in 2013 aged 74, was also a major influence on Mark Knopfler.

But he was such a pivotal figure in Clapton's musical life (Clapton covered the low-key Cocaine, I'll Make Love to You Anytime and After Midnight in the Seventies when he was looking for an escape from the guitar hero status) that they recorded together on the album The Road to Escondido in 2006.

And after his death, Clapton organised the tribute album The Breeze; An Appreciation of JJ Cale (2014) with guests Knopfler, Tom Petty, Wille Nelson, Derek Trucks and others.

This 20 song collection captures Cale's laid back, less-is-more, rural cool in songs like the beautiful Magnolia, the easy roll of After Midnight, the soulful swampy sound of Cajun Moon and Crazy Mama, and more.

People use the word mellow to describe anything which doesn't shout at you, but the late JJ Cale epitomised the word.

We mention this compilation because it is just one in the two-for-$20 deals at JB Hi-Fi stores here.

JB_logoNot just a Bargain Buy but an essential album in any collection.

And you might like to check out this later Cale album which at first blush sounds very much in his formula but over time reveals itself.

Elsewhere wrote this earlier appreciation of the man who made mellow music for sitting on the back porch, or for a slow drive to nowhere in particular

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