THE NEW ARCHITECTURE OF OSLO, PART TWO (2017): The Tjuvholmen district

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THE NEW ARCHITECTURE OF OSLO, PART TWO (2017): The Tjuvholmen district

In the first part of this photo essay-cum-envy tourism look at the new architecture of Oslo, we turned the camera onto the small and developing area known as Barcode which is emerging behind the city's magnificent opera and ballet hall on the water's edge.

More on that building in Part Three, but here we look to the small peninsula beyond AkerBrygge just a few minutes walk from City Hall and the piers for the many ferries.

The focal point here is the exceptional Renzo Piano-designed Astrup Fearnley Museum of Contemporary Art but the architecture and design of the hotels, apartment and office buildings, restaurants, bars, art galleries and shops is something to behold also.

The area, infiltrated by water so punctuated by bridges, manages to be that rare thing: architecture which is artistic but also functional, distinctive and often quite awe-inspiring.

Our images here start with the Astrup Fearnley and then we simply wander through the lanes and streets, pointing the camera.

Enjoy. And be envious.





















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