Graham Reid | | 1 min read

There just aren't enough fairy tales at From the Vaults. Only the clip of Sam the Sham and the Pharoah's Little Red Riding Hood as far as I can recall.
Time then to resurrect this from the grunge era, the delightful Green Jelly (an umlat over the Y meant it was pronounced "Green Jello") with their update of the old story of the pigs and the big bad wolf.
Green Jelly played everything for laughs and when they formed in '81 they wanted to be the world's worst band. The fact they could barely play their instruments was doubtless considerable help in this low ambition.
They opened for the Ramones (who concluded they were one of the worst they'd ever seen) and did an EP in a cover which parodied the Beatles' Let It Be. There was pretty high yuck-yuck frat boy humour in them and they also had a puppet show which proved their ability to "easily amuse idiots".
But with this song -- actually with the video which was an immediate hit on MTV -- they suddenly found themselves widely embraced and the album Cereal Killer Soundtrack did some real sales.
They went into soundtracks for video games, went their own ways, re-formed and are still out there in some form or other.
But here's their fairy tale for damaged kids in the suburbs.
And here's what they looked like.
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