Graham Reid | | <1 min read

It's about a trombone player's instrument, of course.
Well, of course it is . . .
But the sexually voracious and seldom satisfied Washington (seven husbands, countless lovers) knows exactly what this is about and manages to milk the innuendo in her typically sassy way.
Her real forte was torch songs and she crossed effortlessly between jazz, blues, pop and rhythm and blues -- and songs like this -- although won a Grammy in '59 for What a Difference a Day Makes.
When she died in late '63 she was only 39, but she'd packed a lot of living and loving into her short life.
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Gavin Hancock - Jan 31, 2013
This song is available on the Rhino CD "Risqué Rhythm - Nasty 50s R&B" (along with a bunch of other equally naughty numbers). It may be a little hard to track down now.
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