Jeremy Mayall, Yotam Levy: Elemental Stasis (Rattle Seventh House Vol 6/bandcamp)

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Jeremy Mayall, Yotam Levy: Elemental Stasis (Rattle Seventh House Vol 6/bandcamp)

Rattle has enjoyed a remarkable year, even by its own high standards. The launch of the Seventh House imprint of experimental and improvised collaborations has delivered albums which are more rewarding than that challenging description might suggest.

This final release for the year features soundscapes by Waikato-based pianist/composer Mayall and Israeli-born cellist Levy on 10 pieces prompted by Mayall collaborations with installation/visual artist Craig McClure whose works appear in the informative booklet.

These pieces float as if denying gravity and by referring to nothing outside of themselves (titles include Time Dilation, Within Space, Ambiguous Threshold) they ebb and flow, driven by their internal momentum and the gentle dialogue between cello and the keyboards, sonic treatments and ambient atmospherics.

The benign drift of the nine minute-plus Emerging Perspective creates a tranquil seduction and the sense of stasis the album title suggests.

There is also tension here however as from Levy's cello in the more uneasy and even menacing passages in Ambiguous Threshold, and the melancholy Unbounded Phenomena.

Given these works are prompted by a visual collaboration they allow space for contemplation of the art in situ perhaps, but here have an independent existence as Mayall and Levy shape the sounds into a pure, stateless aural experience best appreciated through headphones and without other distractions.

Start with the long delays of the alluring Infinite Rigidity (which is anything but) and let the sounds and silences work their particular magic.


You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here


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