Jeffrey Alexander and the Heavy Lidders: Spacious Minds (Arrowhawk/digital outlets)

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Sequoia Seed Escape Pod
Jeffrey Alexander and the Heavy Lidders: Spacious Minds (Arrowhawk/digital outlets)

The name of the band, the album title and the blitzed-out artwork are the clues: psychedelic music lives here, starting with a 36 minute, leisurely exploration of Grateful Dead's Dark Star.

This mostly instrumental, live album from Philadelphia's Alexander and his latest musical companions was recorded on a sunny afternoon in New Jersey and as it unfurls it is quietly transporting, often gravity-defying and unanchored (which is why we have it in our Further Outwhere pages).

Much like you would be if you had self-medicated in preparation.

This is music which meanders towards a possible destination so you don't come here for songs so much as for “the vibe of the thing”.

Just turn off your mind, relax and float off on a pillow of winds in your Sequoia Seed Escape Pod.

C'mon, you know you want to.

You've never heard of these people?

No matter, here's a sample track from your ol' pal.

First one's free.

You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here

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