Room 31: Crazy Town (digital outlets)

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What You Thought Were Departures Are Actually Entrances
Room 31: Crazy Town (digital outlets)

Okay, no one would argue this is easy, especially for those whose tastes run to pop tunes or even jazz with sustained melodies.

But for others this – on Positive Elevation, a sub-label within New York's willfully experimental 577 Records – is an enjoyably challenging, sometimes spiraling, energetic mash-up of electronics and baritone sax by Greg Sinibaldi and more electronics (plus bass and drums) from Marlon Patton who were in the vaguely familiar band Kenosha Kid about 15 years ago.

Consider it this way perhaps, the duo improvise on sax, bass and drums but then there is that other interesting, colourful, sometimes strange . . . but often hypnotic substructure of electronics which from time to time come to the fore. At which point you have a very shapeshifting electronica album.

So it's kind of two for the price of one, perhaps?

Our suggestion if you want to experience that dichotomy is kick off with Ok Mr Tough Guy.

If you want to hear them further out on the sci-fi electronics start with the title track (mad in the lab!) or them channeling minimalism, jazz, dance beats, electronics, space ambience and more sample Code Bug.

Or you can just dive into the meaty What You Thought Were Departures Are Actually Entrances which we have thoughtfully provided for you here.


You can hear and but this album at bandcamp here.

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