Taylor Griffin: In Green (digital outlets)

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In Green, ft Nathan Haines
Taylor Griffin: In Green (digital outlets)
Auckland drummer Taylor Griffin is well connected and well travelled with New Orleans, New York, London and Italy on his CV.

He's of a new generation, but has a strong connection with Nathan Haines who co-produced the six pieces on this, Griffin's debut, in Auckland.

Haines also guests on flute for the driving Latin jazz-funk of the ascending title track and soprano sax for the swirling rhythms of Magnetic.

It's a measure of the regard in which Griffin is held that among the other players are guitarists Geoff Ong (pop and rock in his quiver) and Robert Picot, a music teacher and honours graduate from the jazz school at the University of Auckland.

Others across this sometimes boiling debut include the gifted vocalist Rachel Clarke (also a jazz graduate who has lead her own groups) and the soulful Saia Folau. Polish-born Rhodes/synth player Michal Martyniuk's Resonate album was a finalist in the jazz category at the 2020 music awards.

With trumpet from Guy Harrison (of the acclaimed collective Circling Sun) and sax by Charlie Isdale -- a member of tabla player Manjeet Singh's Indo-jazz crossover outfit Takadimi -- In Green is accomplished music of considerable depth.

It dives headlong into jazz-rock for the aggressive Pot Shot with Picot unleashing the kind of firepower Al Di Meola deployed in his fusion days, and that reference point in the jazz-rock crossover of the Eighties is also evident on the Latin-influenced Catch which features popping bass, horns, Ong's fluid but restrained guitar solo and Clarke leaning towards the entrancing, wordless style of a soaring Flora Purim.

The final 75 second track Fly Away – snippets of studio chatter before a short drum part – is unnecessary and although none of these pieces breaks new ground, as a sophisticated calling card for all the players, notably Griffin for his writing and playing, In Green certainly grabs and rewards attention.


You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here



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