Numün: Book of Beyond (Shimmy-Disc/digital outlets)

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Numün: Book of Beyond (Shimmy-Disc/digital outlets)

From our distance, this New York trio could probably not be more obscure and unfamiliar. Their label Shimmy Disc (Bongwater, Kramer, Jad Fair, Daniel Johnston etc) might be the sole connection.

But unfamiliarity has never stopped Elsewhere from turning an ear, so let us introduce Bob Holmes (from SUSS) with Christopher Romero and Joel Mellin (from Gamelan Dharma Swara) who are behind this ambient, lightydelic and atmospheric instrumental album.

With some of the fragility of Eno's most gentle ambient music as heard through Indian influences or the melodic skewed guitar of Nicky Skopelitis meets Bill Frisell, Book of Beyond's instrumentation includes slide guitar and mandolin sitting alongside Balinese gamelan, gender wayang (look it up), and cumbuz (a 12-string fretless banjo).

Which on paper seems mighty crowded but quite the opposite is true.

In places (the drifting Sideways) we are in a world where Can is slowed right down and the rolling rhythm is given exotic colour through drones and plucked cumbuz.

Elsewhere (Eyes Open) we are closer to the space-walk and interplanetary allusions of their 2020 debut Voyage Au Soleil.

But Book of Beyond is a more spiritual and stateless continuation of that voyage where titles include Beyond, Vespers and Lullaby.

Never let it be said Elsewhere just delivers the ordinary.



You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here

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