Po' Girl: Home To You (Shock)

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Po' Girl: Skies of Grey
Po' Girl: Home To You (Shock)

The previously posted Po' Girl album Vagabond Lullabies was actually a few years old and only given belated release in this country. But it was too good to ignore, and allowed me to set you up for this new one by the one-time trio (now-quartet on the cover photo, but a quintet in the credits!) of rootsy singers from Canada which includes Trish Klein, founding member of the Be Good Tanyas who have been on Elsewhere also.

As with Vagabond Lullabies the alt.country and backwoods sound is in the foreground, but once again they also bring in some Beat-rap spoken word sections by CR Avery on one track which may be an acquired taste. (I have acquired it to be honest.)

There are also touches of gospel and soul, oldtime harmonies and bluegrass peppered throughout. But a sample of the titles here will give the over-arching feel: Go On and Pass Me By, Angels of Grace, Home To You, Green Apples, Old Mountain Line, Ain't Life Sweet . . .

Pretty much says it all really, doesn't it?

Acoustic guitars, banjo, violin, wurlitzer, wash-tub bass . . . Convinced now?

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