Graham Reid | | <1 min read

Perhaps because we at Elsewhere put in the long hours at a desk, there's nothing better we like than finding intelligent ambient music which challenges and seduces as much as it calms while we work.
We've been known to make our own Spotify playlists (if you care to check them out here and here.
This interesting collection comes from an unexpected source -- Graeme Woller is part of the South Island band Into the East -- but these quiet synth and keyboard pieces manages to satisfy our various needs.
There is lovely birdsong running through the drift of Korimako, Djemba sounds simple but rewards close attention and the quirky Clockwork is like Philip Glass-meets-Kraftwerk at a Tubular Bells panel discussion while on holiday.
So here are gentle pieces which are relaxing but also diverting if you care to tune in.
Take a minute or two . . . . but allow yourself at least half an hour of downtime.
You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here
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