Anna Coddington: Te Whakamika Loop/digital outlets)

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Anna Coddington: Te Whakamika Loop/digital outlets)

From time to time Elsewhere will single out a recent release we recommend on vinyl, like this album which comes in a striking cover and has an insert sheet of credits and some explanatory notes by the artist.

Check out Elsewhere's other Recommended Record picks . . . 


On an album where the title alludes to showing appreciation, respect or paying a compliment, the award-winning Anna Coddington opens with the joyful Kātuarehe, an overt homage-cum-tribute to Prince's sassy funk for the dancefloor.

It's sets exactly the right tone of wit, enjoyable indulgence and homage on an album which also nods to classic soul (the gentle sounding but bitter Call Your Mother), has a duet with Troy Kingi on the soul ballad Honey Back about a fractured relationship, and a rhythmically driving, assertive rap on Gainz with backing vocals from Julia Deans, Anika Moa and Hollie Smith: “Life's not a league, we livin' in the final, so run it straight, fix your face, put a smile on”.

Tōmina harks back to Philly soul, Mōhou rā goes to the 1980s for vibrant synth-pop and Te Taumata Ike places Coddington's engaging vocal over a moody guitar part which is like the early Cure before it fades beneath the dancefloor groove.

Produced and mixed by Jol Mulholland – who also contributes bass, guitars and synths – the retro-fitted but contemporary, forward-facing bilingual Te Whakamiha was appropriately launched at Matariki when we reflect on the past, celebrate the present and prepare for the future: “Put a smile on.”


You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here

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