Graham Reid | | <1 min read
1+1= 11

We should know Peggy Gou better: her humid dancefloor hit (It Goes Like) Nanana has had more than 466 million Spotify streams and she lounges in fashion magazines.
Born in South Korea, currently Berlin-based and an eclectic electronica artist, DJ and fashion icon, Gou comes across as the hippest woman in the club and the go-to gal for Kylie Minogue (whose Can't Get You Out of my Head she remixed two years ago) and Lenny Kravitz (their slinky-pop duet I Believe in Love Again on this debut album).
Aside from ridiculously catchy often minimalist techno (that Nanana track is included here), Gou also creates some international rap with Villano Antillano on All That, tips the hat to her homeland on the faux-Korean instrumentation on Seoulsi Peggygou, delivers holiday-mood house on I Go and the funky house of Lobster Telephone refers to the Surrealist artist Salvador Dali's sculptural work of a phone with the lobster as a handset . . . which won't mean much for those who've known nothing other than an iPhone.
The Korean lyrics won't help much either (they are nonsense we are told) but she admits in English, “I know you don't understand this but it doesn't matter”.
Fair enough because the happy groove is where the magic is.
Gou works with a limited palette but makes plenty of bright and colourful clubland pop out of simple, high sheen elements.
Enjoyable escapism.
You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here.
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