Empire of the Sun: Ask That God (digital outlets)

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The Feeling You Get
Empire of the Sun: Ask That God (digital outlets)

Frankly, it's been so long that we've heard from this duo that we'd almost forgotten them: eight years since their last album which actually went past us.

So a quick reminder if you'd forgotten them also: they are the popular and successful Australian, glamed-up electronic duo Luke Steele (an expat Kiwi of Sleepy Jackson) and Nick Littlemore (PNAU). And here once again they deliver their polished, post-disco dance music which seems to require considerable assistance from co-writers to direct the material to the dancefloor.

With glistening and smooth pop (The Feeling You Get with its hints of Bowie and FR David), a sprinkling of Sparks, retro-dance from the Eighties (Revolve), a bit of faux earnestness which we thought we'd left with mid-period Moody Blues (Rhapsodize) and front-loaded catchiness (Happy Like You), Empire of the Sun don't offer quite the surprises they would have you believe they do.

But as functional, streamlined and escapist Euro-pop (the title track) it certainly fulfills the contract they set themselves.


You can hear this album at Spotify here

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