Graham Reid | | <1 min read
Meditation V

This Californian artist – who prefers to remain anonymous – appeared at Elsewhere last year with her ambient Environmental Music Vol 2 and promised Vol 1 would follow.
And here it is, a collection of atmospheric pieces recorded during the lockdown era and a restful response to the stresses that some were feeling.
Well, stress didn't just evaporate at the end of that time and arguably in this increasingly chaotic and sometimes menacing world the stress levels are pretty high again.
This isn't vacuous New Age/massage table music to turn off your mind but is rather more present than that.
Meditation 0 is a short improvised piece on piano with an irregular heartbeat pulsing; Meditation III has the sound of surface scraping and ethereal breathing alongside the piano and synths; the 11 minute Meditation VI is closer to the weightless electronic sound of Robert Fripp and Brian Eno's tonal explorations; Meditation VIII explores a more cosmic atmosphere with what sounds like field recordings of birds occasionally woven in.
Music such as this tends not to break boundaries (which would defeat its purpose) but provides the backdrop for meditation or to create a calm awareness.
After you've checked out her earlier interview at Elsewhere just tune in your mind, relax and . . .
You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here
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