Rand and Holland: Caravans (Spunk)

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Rand and Holland: Oh My Love
Rand and Holland: Caravans (Spunk)

And the sum total of my information is that these guys are from Sydney -- oh, and that neither of the duo at the core of this small acoustic-based band are called Rand or Holland.

R&H apparently grew out of home recordings by singer-bassist Brett Thompson who initially teamed up with guitarist Stuart Olsen, and now have invited other like-minded players into the fold. This is pop music of the folksy persuasion in a way, but it also explores some adeptly minimalist soundscapes (repeated guitar figures are their hallmark), and very little rises above a whisper. There is a breezy optimism here too, and an unforced charm.

They understand the less-is-more philosophy, and the guitar solos -- such as they are -- consist of very few notes. Somewhere between the Bats and the Shoes in acoustic mode, with modest country and folksy inflections.

Not a bad to place to be actually.

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