Jimmy Buffett: Live in Anguilla (Mailboat/Rhythmethod)

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Jimmy Buffett: Weather With You
Jimmy Buffett: Live in Anguilla (Mailboat/Rhythmethod)

I have had dinner and drinks at Jimmy's place a couple of times -- in truth at his franchise restaurants Margaritaville which offer a fish platter so huge I have had to take a photograph of it.

Buffett is a businessman/pilot/sailor and singer whose lifestyle is enviable: in his world it is permanently sunny, boatshoes constitute dressing up, aloha shirts are the uniform and it is always happy hour.

As he sings, "it's five o'clock somewhere".

Buffett seems to always be cruising the Caribbean and the South Pacific with a great band of like-minded souls, his fans call themselves Parrotheads, he has made a fortune out of his early hit about "wasting away in margaritaville".

He also wrote a very funny autobiography A Pirate Looks At 50.

My feeling is that you are either into Jimmy, or you aren't. If you aren't then I'm slightly sorry for you, actually. Life is meant to be enjoyed not endured.

If you are in to Jimmy then this happy double CD with a concert DVD is for you as he not only covers many of his hits (Changes in Latitudes Changes in Attitudes, They Don't Dance Like Carmen Miranda Anymore, Son of a Son of a Sailor, Margaritaville and so on) but throws in Bob Marley's Waiting in Vain and a steel drum version of Crowded House's Weather With You.

This is sunny backyard bbq music -- and maybe not a lot more. But I can live very happily with that, and this. Even though it is such a lot of smile inducing-music my face aches at the end.

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