Amy Winehouse: Frank Deluxe (Island)

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Amy Winehouse: What It Is (original demo)

Her life might the equivalent of a pub brawl (indeed sometimes it is, literally), but then again some seminal singers didn't always live a quiet life in the suburbs.

What Winehouse's court appearances and fragile state have meant however is that there are holding actions on the part of her record company until she gets back on the rails.

Hence the Back to Black reissue of her second album late last year which came with an extra disc of demo tracks, unreleased things and so forth.

And now this, her debut album Frank repackaged with an even longer extra disc of unreleased demo material, rare B-sides and more.

Make what you will of the eye-liner, bedraggled beehive and debilitating habits, you cannot deny Amy Winehouse is a very special talent.

Here's further evidence.

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