China Forbes: '78 (Inertia)

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China Forbes: One Less Word
China Forbes: '78 (Inertia)

To be honest, I don't like this as much as everybody who has heard it when it has been playing at my place. I put it on and thoroughly enjoy the lightweight pop-rock quality of it (mid-period Sheryl Crow, after she lost the edge, comes to mind) and can certainly appreciate that this singer from Pink Martini has assured pop-pipes.
But it lacks a certain something. Kick, I think.
The many songs of lost love are polite and nothing burns with anger, resentment or rage but rather just head towards a catchy, radio-friendly chorus. Even the slightly biting Everybody Needs Somebody comes coloured with a chipper George Harrison-styled slide part (My Sweet Lord once removed).
This is a confident and comfortably familiar album of pop-rock which has been cleanly produced -- which sound like compliments but maybe aren't. I remember a dozen singer-songwriters like this from the mid 70s who were enjoyable at the time but are now long-forgotten and not missed at all.
So if this isn't that great and I only post stuff here I will stand behind then why is it at Elsewhere? Well, the mere fact many others have heard it at my place must tell you that I do keep putting the damn thing on.
And I do wonder why.
Make up your own mind.

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