Pete Molinari: A Virtual Landscape (Shock)

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Pete Molinari: It Came Out of the Wilderness
Pete Molinari: A Virtual Landscape (Shock)

English singer-songwriter Molinari's debut Walking off the Map was a beguiling, blatantly Dylanesque affair which found great favour at Elsewhere -- but this time out he's like a pub quiz: which song am I referencing now?
Usually it's Dylan but he lifts shamelessly from Sam Cooke, Hank Williams, the Stones' in 65, young Donovan . . .
And you gotta love a nasal line like this: "they all held me down, said I wouldn't get far, but look what I made out of my head, ma". Dylanologists could probably date that to the month in 64.
Recorded at Toe Rag in London this has a terrific live feel and there is no doubt the man has a great voice (somewhere between young Bob and Lonnie Donegan, at other times sensitive but strong on the ballads).
But the over-riding feeling is of an album that is far too referenced -- lyrically, melodically and stylistically -- in other people's scrapbooks.
So although songs like One Stolen Moment and There She Still Remains are genuine gems they are surrounded by others which make you want to shout, "Yes! I know this one, it's . . ."

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