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The Neil Cowley Trio: Revolution 9

In November 68 the Beatles released what became known as The White Album, a diffuse and diverse double-vinyl which in places sounded like the work of three separate songwriters who has seconded various other band members. Their producer George Martin argued for a tight single album, and many others have suggested since it might have been stronger if some of the lesser material had been dropped. But oddly enough tracks like Honey Pie, Why Don't We Do It In The Road and Good Night make the collection what it is.

And what is it?

As McCartney said to critics of it, "It's the Beatles' White Album. Shut up!"

With its two most recent issues Mojo magazine has pulled together a tribute of sorts to The White Album with free cover CDs of contemporary artists doing tracks. Many of these artists (Joan as Police Woman, Paul Weller, Field Music, The Ruby Suns, My Brightest Diamond) have appeared at Elsewhere previously.

The big queston for Mojo must have been, who is going to do the John Lennon sound collage Revolution 9, and how?

Here's the answer: it is the UK jazz group the Neil Cowley Trio (whose album is also at Elsewhere). 

Take it away Neil . .  .


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