Dub Asylum: Ba Ba Boom! EP (www.dubasylum.co.nz)

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Dub Asylum: Ba Ba Boom!
Dub Asylum: Ba Ba Boom! EP (www.dubasylum.co.nz)

If I've been tardy getting to this terrific EP of beats, hip-hop meets reggae culture, and much more it's that I have been so busy backloading the archives.

But let it be said that in downtime from that seemingly endless - but endlessly enjoyable - task I have been cranking these five tracks up way, way loud.

Largely the sole project of former Hallelujah Picassos-man Peter McLennan these tracks reference everything from a King Tubby/Studio One stoned ska session in Jamaica with scratching, to rebel pop and old school hip-hop from the Bronx in the 80s. Every track sounds like it could be the blueprint for a completely different album.

It's a kinda mad but focused mix-up and very quirky. Funked up too.

Loving this one and sorry I have been keeping it to myself for so long. But not that sorry.

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Bruce - Dec 21, 2008

Energy plus, catchy, can't/won't stop playing it

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