Graham Reid | | <1 min read
Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt: Fast Forward Regrets
![The Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt: I Love You I Love You (Luaka Bop)](
This folk-punk'n'kitchen sink outfit from New York play fast'n'furious with raging acoustic guitars, hammering drums and splatters of sax which is undeniably party-friendly but by golly do they like to repeat a phrase repeat a phrase repeat a phrase repeat a phrase repeat a phrase repeat a phrase . . .
Then they'll change it a little but then repeat a phraserepeat a phraserepeataphraserepeataphrase while the music gets more strident strident strident strident.
Imagine the Violent Femmes on speed . . . .with a loop loop loop loop.
Doubtless they work well live but a couple of listens to this and I was wilting, when I didn't find it boring and annoying
boring and annoying
boring and annoying
boring and annoying
boring and annoying . . .
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