BEST OF ELSEWHERE 2010 The Jim Jones Revue: Burning Your House Down (Liberator)

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The Jim Jones Revue: Big Len
BEST OF ELSEWHERE 2010 The Jim Jones Revue: Burning Your House Down (Liberator)

You really gotta love the JJ Revue who deliver hotrod rock'n'roll which draws from the Fifties (Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis) as filtered through the most wild and dissolute of Rod Stewart/Faces (or the Quireboys with more rocking honky-tonk blues in their soul) with the kind of trash energy of Grinderman.

Produced by Jim Sclavunos (who has done similar for Cave/Bad Seeds), this one roars at you with pure thrill'n'menace ("come closer my dear, I can almost taste you from here") and shouts goodtimes at you as the band hammer through rock'n'roll piano boogie from Elliot Mortimer welded onto searing guitars by Rupert Orton.

And up front Jones -- somewhere between rockin' Rod, Springsteen on speed and Skid Row -- attacks every mad lyric with passion.

Deliberately raw and distorted, Burning Your House Down promises to do exactly that, from stereo speakers to carpets then up the walls  -- although as with all such bands they really needs to be experienced in life-threatening proximity.

Meantime though, "turn it up, I can still hear the words".

Like this rowdy noise? Check out this racket!

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