Pink Martini: A Retrospective (Inertia)

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Pink Martini: Hey Eugene
Pink Martini: A Retrospective (Inertia)

If you haven't already fallen for the considerable charms of Portland's multi-lingual, sophisticated, funny and utterly delightful 14-piece Pink Martini helmed by Thomas Lauderdale and which features the vocals of China Forbes, then you have clearly been asleep.

Stepping lightly between classic Forties and Fifties slick pop, chanson, latin moods and lounge (among other genres), they deliver swish cocktail hour music to immerse yourself in, and are full of surprises.

This 21 track collection -- which features Michael Feinstein, and Gus Van Sant on Moon River -- is your passport into their own take on "world music" and it's like the best, genre-defying, late night radio station which would never be so crass as to insult your intelligence but takes you into its confidence as an intelligent listener with a sense of humor and some musical curiosity.

Big but pleasurable learning curve right here for those who haven't already succumbed.

There is an interview with Thomas Lauderdale here.

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