Graham Reid | | <1 min read
Superturtle: You're Gonna Get There Too

This is how all vinyl purchases should come, with a CD. If you'r going to shell out for a record -- and there's a limited edition of this one -- then you should of course get a free CD or download link. Good on local label Sarang Bang for doing that.
Superturtle -- who launch this at Auckland's Hard Luck Cafe on Saturday -- here throw you back to the mid Eighties for a dozen short'n'snappy songs with New Wave shapes and urgency (Sit Still Now), a smattering of jerky Bowie dance-pop (Walk Like Ya Wanna) , angst-pop (Happy Pills) and some suggestions of mid-period Split Enz in the angularity and vocal delivery (Cause Ya Said So).
There's also a touch of space-pop on You Can Wonder. And the final song You'r Gonna Get There Too ends things on an uplifting note.
Many might feel they have passed this way before -- Car Crash Set, Satellite Spies and so on --but with all the retro-fitting of pop going on these days I shouldn't be surprised if there were as many others who found this rather appealing.
Superturtle's Darren McShane answers our Famous Elsewhere Questionnaire here.
Darren - Apr 16, 2013
Hi folks , The Superturtle album release this saturday April 20 has been relocated from the Hard Luck Cafe to The Thirsty Dog..
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