ONE WE MISSED: Electric Wire Hustle; The 11th Sky (Loop)

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I Light a Candle
ONE WE MISSED: Electric Wire Hustle; The 11th Sky (Loop)

This new installment of Electric Wire Hustle's ethereal, neo-psychedelic electronica-soul arrived when we were diverted by pressing (and thankfully) paying work some weeks back . . . but it provided a useful soundtrack in the background.

Closer attention reveals its many intricate details where faux-strings swell and race like clouds over the looped beats and aching soul vocals of Mara TK.

It's a multi-coloured, many layered affair where the lyrics uncouple from the temporal world and -- if they aren't always successful, Golden Ladder tries for a bob-each-way -- at least keep you engaged and slightly mystified.

With musical reference points from Prince and the Silver Convention's disco to British trip-hop and melodramatic soundtracks (I Light a Candle), this still manages to create and occupy its own space.

Only been out a month so not too late to discover.

(Beautiful cover too incidentaly, must look great on vinyl) 

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