Lorenzo Senni: Scacco Matto (Warp/Border/digital outlets)

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Lorenzo Senni: Scacco Matto (Warp/Border/digital outlets)

Get past the minimalist glitch'n'old school video game sound of the opener here Discipline of Enthusiasm and this electronica album by the Milanese musician and artist Lorenzo Senni opens up into something a bit more wide-ranging.

XbreakingEdgeX and Dance Tonight Revolution Tomorrow superficially sound like more of the same but different, however careful attention shows them to be quirky electronica pop-cum-robot dance tunes (the seven minute-plus latter latter for real slo-mo gestures) and the quiet diamond here is Canone Infinito which sounds like piece of emotionally tepid pop ambience for a warm-down room away from the dancefloor.

Yes, much of this comes off as music and beats from Eighties video games where the sound is compressed and spartan. So it won't be for those who like their sound and music more ambitiously wide.

Interesting enough, but it's one of those left-field things to file alongside largely unplayed albums like 8-Bit Operators.

You can hear this album at Spotify here but it is also available on vinyl and CD at selected stores.

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