Elijah Knutsen: Pink Dream (Memory Color/bandcamp)

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Pink Dream
Elijah Knutsen: Pink Dream (Memory Color/bandcamp)

Inspired by Japanese ambient music of the kind collected on the impressive 2019 set Kanyko Ongaku -- where gentle atmospherics and equally discreet field recordings co-exist -- this evocative, 24-minute collection of four pieces is another in a series by Portland's Elijah Knutsen for his appropriately entitled Memory Color label.

Released on cassette (but available through bandcamp), Pink Dream – also an appropriate title – is a somnambulant, eyes-closed balm of sound of softly shimmering electronica and guitar chimes, discreet and distant bird calls and voices, and slo-mo restfulness.

This only just came out but has a timeless nature to it.

Check out Knutsen's previous Blue Sun Daydream and Music For Vending Machines Vol 1 (both more aurally present).

Knutsen is someone worth following if this kind of sound design is your thing.


You can hear and buy this album at bandcamp here where there are the previous Memory Color albums also.

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