Music at Elsewhere

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Chaii: Safar (digital outlets)

23 Aug 2024  |  <1 min read

Born in Iran, raised in this country and already with appearances in Australia, London, New York and at SXSW in Austin, Chaii (Mona Sanei) has had a rapid rise based on strong singles, colourfully exotic videos and ambition. Her songs have been licensed for Netflix films and advertisements. The album's title – which means journey in Farsi – is appropriate for this impressive... > Read more


ONE WE MISSED: Silk Cut: Silk Cut (digital outlets)

19 Aug 2024  |  <1 min read

Released a few weeks ago when we were otherwise engaged, this second album by the tight and seasoned Auckland four-piece should have leapt to attention, given how much we enjoyed their debut. But we get to it now and delight in its old school, power pop familiarity (The Transfer, the Beatlesque Turning the Whole World On, the lyrically pointed Punches), surging energy (Anywhere We Can... > Read more

The Transfer

Bilders: Dustbin of Empathy/Nictate (digital outlets)

11 Aug 2024  |  3 min read

It would be a brave or foolhardy soul who attempted to write the biography of Bill Direen. Even just a discography would be a Sisyphean task: no sooner had you made the last entry than overnight he has recorded another album which arrives, perhaps even with a book of poems. Or in the case of this new collection, a 15-song album Dustbin of Empathy (digital and on limited edition 300... > Read more

The Weevil, from Dustbin of Empathy

Jack White: No Name (digital outlets)

5 Aug 2024  |  1 min read

In the 13 years since the end of the White Stripes it was possible to lose touch with Jack White as he moved through the Raconteurs and Dead Weather, made various appearances, and ran a parallel solo career. Oh, and he started his own Third Man label and shops. But here we are again, acknowledging this searing, garageband blues rock collection which has reference points in Led Zeppelin,... > Read more

What's the Rumpus?

Death and the Maiden: Uneven Ground (digital outlets)

5 Aug 2024  |  2 min read

The role of the critic is not – as some people think, and some critics do also unfortunately – to rip apart the work of an artist. Nor is it to offer “constructive criticism”. That role falls to, in the case of music, the manager, producer, record company or trusted advisors. Because the role of the critic is not well understood, some years back I wrote an essay,... > Read more

The Only One

Holly Arrowsmith: Blue Dreams (digital outlets)

4 Aug 2024  |  <1 min read

Because Holly Arrowsmith has appeared a number of times at Elsewhere – reviewed and in recent and archive interviews – we hope we can skim lightly over a lot of background, it is there in those interviews. But briefly then . . . Born in Santa Fe and raised in the South Island, Holly Arrowsmith arrived with her 2015 debut album For the Weary Traveller which picked up folk... > Read more

Mountain Lion

Empire of the Sun: Ask That God (digital outlets)

3 Aug 2024  |  <1 min read

Frankly, it's been so long that we've heard from this duo that we'd almost forgotten them: eight years since their last album which actually went past us. So a quick reminder if you'd forgotten them also: they are the popular and successful Australian, glamed-up electronic duo Luke Steele (an expat Kiwi of Sleepy Jackson) and Nick Littlemore (PNAU). And here once again they... > Read more

The Feeling You Get

SUSS: Birds & Beasts (digital outlets)

2 Aug 2024  |  <1 min read

Some years ago we stumbled on SUSS, a New York instrumental trio who create ambient widescreen guitar soundscapes as wide as the deserts and skies of California and Arizona. We loved it, wrote about it favourably and joined the long line of critics who also praised this band. Seems there was a much shorter line of those wanting to buy it however. SUSS are firmly a cult band –... > Read more


Patron Saint of Hummingbirds: Environmental Music Vol 2 (digital outlets)

31 Jul 2024  |  <1 min read

Elsewhere is not averse to ambient or atmospheric music, or even that stateless music which seems designed for relaxation massage centres. When we are writing something which requires concentration it can provide an interesting backdrop which puts a curtain between the focus and the noise of life outside. Patron Saint of Hummingbirds is the performance name of a Californian artist (who... > Read more


JessB: Feels Like Home (digital outlets)

29 Jul 2024  |  2 min read

It is perhaps unusual and maybe even unseemly that a man of a certain age (plus a decade or more) should be so taken with a young woman rapper. But from the first time I saw her at an Auckland City Limits festival in 2018 I was struck, and over the years was always delighted to introduce her music – and her as a role model – to my uni students.... > Read more

Power, ft Sister Nancy and Sampa the Great

Lime Cordiale: Enough of the Sweet Talk (digital outlets)

29 Jul 2024  |  1 min read

As we have noted previously in reference to the Australian brothers Oli and Louis Leimbach, we are shameless in our love of pop music which does little more than entertain and make us feel good for the running time of the song. Therapeutic music, stuff where an artist faces their demons or deals with emotional isolation in lockdown are all very well and we take them seriously, but sometimes... > Read more

Cold Treatment

Cassandra Jenkins: My Light, My Destroyer (digital outlets)

29 Jul 2024  |  <1 min read

It has become quite a recognisable phenomenon: women like Georgia Lines, St. Vincent, The Weather Station (Tamara Lindeman), Weyes Blood, Julia Jacklin and many others pushing the parameters of contemporary music and redefining poetic art-pop for adults. Brooklyn-based Cassandra Jenkins is in their ranks too. Her previous album An Overview on Phenomenal Nature was skilfully arranged,... > Read more


Beachwood Sparks: Across the River of Stars (digital outlets)

26 Jul 2024  |  <1 min read

Looking for that album which brings to mind the Byrds, Flying Burrito Brothers, the solo careers of Roger McGuinn and Gene Clark, maybe even some of Tom Petty's country-flavoured Southern rock? Then Beechwood Sparks out of California are your band because they recognise that the wheel is pretty serviceable as it is and doesn't need reinventing. With jangling country guitars, close... > Read more

High Noon

Gracie Abrams: The Secret of Us (digital outlets)

22 Jul 2024  |  1 min read

The internet is a cauldron of hatred, cruel comments, racism (most -isms in fact) and poison. And that's just the comments it lets you see, there is so much worst floating around in the dark corners, feeding like minded nasty bastards, conspiracy morons and lunatic political or religious groups. It even infects the most ordinary of aspects of culture, like pop music which for the most... > Read more

Blowing Smoke

Linda Thompson: Proxy Music (digital outlets)

22 Jul 2024  |  1 min read

People of “a certain age” speak of Linda Thompson with some approaching awe and reverence. Her albums with her former husband Richard Thompson – who has appeared frequently at Elsewhere in reviews and interviews – are the stuff of legend: marriage, love, separation all distilled into songs. However you read it, albums by the Thompson entitled I Wanna See the Bright... > Read more

Or Nothing at All

JOHN LENNON'S MIND GAMES, REISSUED (2024): Remixed and Revisionist

18 Jul 2024  |  6 min read

The recent release of Paul McCartney's l974 live-in-the-studio set One Hand Clapping – and, more particularly, the very detailed book The McCartney Legacy, Vol. 1 1969-1973 – served to remind just how chaotic and unfocused his career was in the immediate post-Beatles period. In many ways his former partner's was even more so. John Lennon had already released some... > Read more

You Are Here, Elemental Mix with guitarist Sneaky Pete Kleinlow

Matt Langley: As Real As You Want It To Be (digital outlets)

15 Jul 2024  |  1 min read

It has been many many years since we heard from singer-songwriter Matt Langley whose previous albums were praised far and wide (at Elsewhere, by Nick Bollinger, Simon Sweetman and others). But eight years on from his acoustic album Winterdust, and from Japan where he now lives, Langley has been back in touch because . . .  He has teamed up with his former collaborator/producer/bass... > Read more

Waking Dream

Bonny Light Horseman: Keep Me On Your Mind/See You Free (digital outlets)

14 Jul 2024  |  <1 min read

This is a weighty 18 song double album of heartache mixed with some of life's pleasures which is best when judiciously sampled, otherwise this can feel like a long ride with the Horsemen which only occasionally breaks into a canter. The Horsemen are a folk-Americana semi-supergroup – solo artist/singer-songwriter Anaïs Mitchell, multi-instrumentalists Eric D. Johnson (formerly of... > Read more

When I Was Younger

Skilaa: Tiger in the River (digital outlets)

8 Jul 2024  |  1 min read

Now this is very interesting and something very different by this ensemble of local artists, many of whom met at the University of Auckland jazz school. As did the Beths. But they took their interest into indie.rock and Skilaa use jazz vocals, scatting and hip-hop and soul as their stepping off point. So imagine early Arrested Development who grew up with Sarah Vaughan and Flora... > Read more

Bite Like That

Anna Coddington: Te Whakamika Loop/digital outlets)

8 Jul 2024  |  1 min read

From time to time Elsewhere will single out a recent release we recommend on vinyl, like this album which comes in a striking cover and has an insert sheet of credits and some explanatory notes by the artist. Check out Elsewhere's other Recommended Record picks . . .  . On an album where the title alludes to showing appreciation, respect or paying a compliment, the... > Read more
