GUEST PHOTOGRAPHER PAUL DALY offers images from his award-winning travel portfolio

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GUEST PHOTOGRAPHER PAUL DALY offers images from his award-winning travel portfolio

Last week Christchurch-based photographer Paul Daly of Nomadic Planet won the Cathay Pacific Travel Photographer of the Year award at the annual New Zealand TravCom awards for travel writers and photographers.

Daly here shares a selection of his images from his portfolio of a country much in New Zealander's minds right now.

For more on Paul Daly's work see his website here, or the Facebook page for Nomadic Planet here.

For more on TravCom see their website here.

This first image is of the ribs of a vessel at Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 100 years on.


In the backstreets of Istanbul, Turkey (Winner AA Directions award for best travel image with people)


One of the many small towns scattered across Cappadocia, Goreme in Turkey


A wharf and cloud captured late evening at the Aegean Sea, Kuenkhuyu, Turkey


Young men in the backstreets of Istanbul


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