ELSEWHERE, INTERVIEWED (2024): Talk, talk, talk . . .

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ELSEWHERE, INTERVIEWED (2024): Talk, talk, talk . . .

In early March I was interviewed at considerable length by musician Danny McCrum for his podcast series Don't Give Up.

What was, I thought, going to be a brief conversation about the Elsewhere website and maybe something about writing reviews ended up being all of that and quite a bit more besides.

Danny and I just ended up having long conversations about all kinds of music related (and some quite tangential) ideas, opinions and attitudes.

At one point, as you may see early on, Danny quoted my review of one of his albums back at me and there was an interesting discussion of how he read it and what I intended.

Here then is the Spotify link if you are driving, but the full video of that podcast from You Tube follows.

I hope you find it interesting.

Oddly enough I did when I listened back to it!


For the full list of Don't Give Up podcasts with musicians and those in/around the industry go here

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