Scotch Eggs

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Scotch Eggs

Billy Connolly once said, “Scottish food isn't a cuisine, it's a dare”.

Funny, but also kind of true if you are averse to black pudding (blood sausage) and the traditional presentation of a haggis in a sheep's stomach.

But unless you are vegan or vegetarian a Scotch egg is . . . well, it can actually be a meal you hold in your hand.

Let us keep this simple and you can judge how many eggs you want to make and therefore the amount of sausage meat you'll need.

It goes like this (and I'm using something like my younger sister's recipe here).


Put as many eggs as you require in a pot of cold water and bring to the boil. When the water boils remove the eggs and place in very cold water for about 15 minutes.

While the water is coming to the boil take as much sausage meat as you require to wrap around each egg to the thickness of about two centimetres.

Put that meat in a large bowl, add sufficient bread crumbs (or panko crumbs) to give it a bit of body and also add whatever seasoning you like: herbs, a splash of Worcestershire sauce . . .

When the eggs have cooled for 15 minutes remove from the water and carefully peel off the shell, then wrap each egg is the layer of sausage meat. Then roll them in a thin covering of breadcrumbs (or panko) to give them a coating.

In a pan, heat some oil (enough to cover the base of the pan) and when at a decent heat (just shy of spluttering) gently roll the the eggs/meat in to slightly sear the outside, then remove and put on an oven tray.

Heat the oven on fan bake to 180 degrees. Add the tray of finished Scotch eggs and leave in the oven for about 10 – 15 minutes, keeping an eye on them, turning occasionally.

And there you have it, a Scottish cuisine.

Serve with love. 

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